Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Eddy the Dog

I'm delighted to report that after 2 weeks he's settled in very well, to the extent it's hard to believe it is only 2 weeks! We have a few minor issues tosort out but he's just about as ideal for us as he could be. 'Fame' is long gone and he recognises Eddy immediately, at least when there's a treat waiting. He likes his treats, oh yes! He has a mind of his own though, and can be a little stubborn when he wants to be but no malice whatesoever, unless you happen to be a tennis ball in which case your life would not be worth living! Lots of work to do to train him up but he's keen and able I believe. Whether I am remains to be seen. He's reliable enough to come back when called off the lead now and he's much happier racing around the park and woods without the restriction, and his contrtemps with other dogs is restricted to 'on-lead' incidents. Can't say the new regime has made any difference to the waistline - mine that is - but he's fitter and slimmer I'm sure. Maybe i need to do the running while he walks...?

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Reading Toy Run

Well it looked highly doubtfull during the pre ceding week that I would be able to make some time for this event this year. Having managed to attend for the last 4 years that was a bit disappointing.

Sunday was a beautiful day though and after a long trail through the fields with Eddy - previously known as Fame - and deciding I could finish clearing out the dross from the office later, I was tempted.

A big part of the event centres on taking a toy, strangely enough, and I wasn't prepared for that, but, Mrs C came to the rescue with Rolo, a very cuddly, Xmas spirited reindeer that would surely keep some youngster very happy. She won him in a "guess his name" contest at the school fete, and as our babies are a bit old for him, it seemed like an ideal oportunity.

Fortunately he was pretty comfortable on the pillion of the BMW so off we went.

Must have been one of the best supported event for some years as FW carpark was crammed full of bikes by the time we set off sometime after 2 pm. Glorious sunshine no doubt bringing out the masses.

What a great event it is. The chance to ride through red lights, round roundabouts without a look and blow the horn as much as you like. I even managed a few Hi 5's with some braver than average spectators. (Probably not recommeded, but nice to make a real connection!). On top of that, it's great PR for bikes and bikers and it really gives a real buzz to know its all in a good cause.

Monday, 24 November 2008

Fame, at last!

A new era is about to begin.

Is it a need for a bit of company for this home worker, a shove in the direction of getting out and exercising more, a long buried need to make up for a past event, an urge do do something 'good', or am I just soft?

I'm not sure, but fate, and some web links, led me to the Diana Brimblecombe animal rescue centre website and the Dogs looking for new homes page.

Having resisted the urge for many years, I couldn't think of a good reason why it would be wrong to give one of these poor mutts a home and some of our time and care. One story in particular stood out but we missed her by a whisker.

However, fate always takes a hand in these situations, and Fate became "Fame" in this case.

Once the broken fence is fixed, he'll be joining us at home.

Monday, 29 September 2008

slip sliding

Well we took the K12 out for a run on sunday, sans top box - as I needed another couple of bits before i could fit it.
The saddle looks very grippy but to our surprise, Mrs C felt the irresistable need to get closer and closer to me on braking. Grippy, it isn't, not in contact with leather, (mine) or goretex, the pillion's, at least. A new saddle on the "to buy" list.... Pity the 'Bird's Bagster wouldn't fit.
Otherwise it was a positive first run. Power comes in very quickly but the Remus is a bit loud, maybe, for day to day use. That might be because the Blackbird in standard trim, is turbine quiet. The ESA is a revelation and the bike feels well planted.
Some trepidation as it refused to fire up initially. It seems the throttle cable adjuster had slackened itself off and after a little attention, normal service was resumed.

Friday, 26 September 2008

It's a Beemer!

Yep, the new baby has arrived - new to me that is - but barely run in.

Initial thoughts, very positive. Some fettling needed to fit auto com and Sat Nav. That will be fun. Very err, 'BMW' under the plastic so not sure what's what yet.

Some trepidation on the reliability front as everyone who owns one, almost, seems to have a tale of woe.


...Or more specifically, the Grossglockner. WoW. I've been meaning to ride it for some time now and finally did this trip. Twice, in fact. The roads and the views are spectacular whether it's a biking experience you're after, or a sightseeing trip.

Monday, 1 September 2008

Well, it was France and germany that provided the rain this time and Austria was absolutely on its best behaviour. The temperature variation from the top of the Grossglockner at around 2500 mtrs compared to the valley was amazing. residual snow at the roadside then sweating hands in glorious 30C.

What a fantastic road. Scenery to die for and unfortunateley some have. Not a difficult road for bikes as the hairpins (all 36 of them), are fairly open but lots of traffic and drivers more interested in sightseeing than watching the road, means it can be dangerous.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Austria beckons

I'm at a loss to understand how they manage to get the photos of Austria in the tourist brochures. They're always bathed in glorious bright sunshine yet when I'm there, it usually rains, a lot!

Forecast for the Grossglockner pass.... Snow... on the 15th August. It seems I'll need to take a full 4 - seasons wardrobe, or maybe I'll stay in the sauna all day.