Well we took the K12 out for a run on sunday, sans top box - as I needed another couple of bits before i could fit it.
The saddle looks very grippy but to our surprise, Mrs C felt the irresistable need to get closer and closer to me on braking. Grippy, it isn't, not in contact with leather, (mine) or goretex, the pillion's, at least. A new saddle on the "to buy" list.... Pity the 'Bird's Bagster wouldn't fit.
Otherwise it was a positive first run. Power comes in very quickly but the Remus is a bit loud, maybe, for day to day use. That might be because the Blackbird in standard trim, is turbine quiet. The ESA is a revelation and the bike feels well planted.
Some trepidation as it refused to fire up initially. It seems the throttle cable adjuster had slackened itself off and after a little attention, normal service was resumed.
Game of Fours
8 years ago