Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Eddy the Dog

I'm delighted to report that after 2 weeks he's settled in very well, to the extent it's hard to believe it is only 2 weeks! We have a few minor issues tosort out but he's just about as ideal for us as he could be. 'Fame' is long gone and he recognises Eddy immediately, at least when there's a treat waiting. He likes his treats, oh yes! He has a mind of his own though, and can be a little stubborn when he wants to be but no malice whatesoever, unless you happen to be a tennis ball in which case your life would not be worth living! Lots of work to do to train him up but he's keen and able I believe. Whether I am remains to be seen. He's reliable enough to come back when called off the lead now and he's much happier racing around the park and woods without the restriction, and his contrtemps with other dogs is restricted to 'on-lead' incidents. Can't say the new regime has made any difference to the waistline - mine that is - but he's fitter and slimmer I'm sure. Maybe i need to do the running while he walks...?

1 comment:

Highwaylass said...

Gorgeous (Eddie, I mean ;)